Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Grey Cell Green

So, apparently in Slovenia they like to play "Let's Get Physical" all the time?

This is the impression I got from the few trips I did outside of my hostel during my time in Ljubljana. I did indeed brave the rain on my second day there and wandered for a small bit around town. Then, the next day, I went on a trip to Lake Bled where I heard there were very nice views of a church on an island in a lake under the Alps, which was exactly true. In fact, in many ways I found the views on the other side of the path, of all the autumn trees, even better!

Lake Bled

I didn't end up getting to try horse burgers as the Hot Horse branch I'd tried to find had shut down, but I did try something called "Human Fish Beer" which is actually one of the best beers I've had on my trip so far!

My down-time in Slovenia was spent struggling with the beginnings of a cold, which I've gotten over the worst of now but am still coughing around the place like crazy.
I also spent my time around my hostel watching Sherlock, which really was as good as I'd hoped! So many things I like.... all in one show! Now I'm doubly glad they're splitting the Who season next year to (presumably) make more.

Photos of Slovenia: here!

Today I've made it to Salzburg, where I'm spending two nights before heading to Vienna. As far as I can tell, everyone here (except for the locals) has Sound of Music madness! My hostel shows the movie every day, and I think I'll sit around and watch it tomorrow. It feels like a long time since I've gotten to watch a DVD! Then I'm going to go out and have some good Austrian coffee. Sounds like a plan!


  1. The ancient one offers sound advice about colds....Nothing works better than a raw onion sandwich. Works best of course when that very first scratchy throat heralds the onset.

  2. I must be the only person in the galaxy who HATED the Sound of Music.
    However, Loved your pictures. The wise woman from Galifray.

  3. Thanks for the tip! It's a timely piece of advice, as I actually did end up eating some raw onions in Slovenia when they were served with some Slovenian sausage I ordered. Maybe they contributed to my steady recovery? I also tried my new favourite remedy for a scratchy throat, salt and vinegar chips, though as this seems to be a pretty rare chip flavour in Europe I was forced to buy salted chips and a bottle of vinegar and make my own! Still did the trick, though!

    I'm pretty sure I remember you saying that the Sound of Music is one of your favourite movies! So I'm sure you'll enjoy the even more Sound-of-Musicy photos I've taken during my time in Salzburg, which will come online sometime in the future....
