Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ave Genghis Khan!

Not much net time! But I just wanted to let anyone who's reading this know that I'm alive and well and safe in Ulaanbaatar. Vodkatrain trip has been awesome so far, the China-Mongolia train trip was wicked. Mongolia may be the greatest country on the planet, though this is a big claim spurned from a few pints of Chinggis that I will evaluate better over the next few months. Hopefully will be able to post some photos and adventurous stories soon

Here is one story for Tom (meaning you Reynolds): in the middle of the night we crossed the border from China to Mongolia and, half-asleep, I realised that the weird noise I could hear was our train attendants booming "Poker Face" over the train speakers. Apparently, they really love it in China, I heard it several times. Now I can't get "p-p-p-poker face p-p-poker face" out of my head.

Sasha (if you read this): Vodkatrain friend from Ohio has now mentioned/sang Don't Stop Believin' at least once but usually twice every day since I messaged you, including one time when I heard it faintly, and then louder, from the next carriage on the train and discovered he was playing it over his laptop speakers. Crazy!



    i am so excited about reading this journal!!

  2. Sounds like you're having a good time already! How was Beijing?

  3. Caro:
    Hooray! I am excited too! (to be reading my own journal?)
    We also got Allejandro (spelling??) twice in a Mongolian roadtrip bus. It's possible the driver (who made the mix-tape) was actually Tom in disguise.

    Cheers, I am! Mongolia has been the best, it's wicked over here. China was good too, but very hot and smoggy. I only ended up getting a day there, pretty much spent it all in the Forbidden City though I did walk around Tiananmen Square too! Wanted to see Mao but the queue was too big - might have better luck with Lenin?

    Yessss, seriously that is the most played but all the music I am hearing across China/Mongolia seems to be stuff I've heard in your car!

  4. Hi yes I read but I can't leave comments at work! So anyway, hello Moriartyinadifferentland :)

    I know how this story ends, it ends with you inviting my new best friend to Buss. This year we have to pick a best friend from your travels to bring along (instead of celeb best friend)?

  5. Hey Sasha!

    An excellent plan (Ohio is actually a lot like Damien, if Damien was American and had a big beard, so I could imagine him fitting well on Buss). I'll probably be able to put up photos before really recounting the people, so maybe you can just gamble on appearances? Mystery friend!
